Tuesday 21 April 2015

Liz Earle Daily Essentials Kit Review

Tuesday 21 April 2015
A skin care brand that probably everyone has heard of is Liz Earle, especially their Cleanse and Polish which everyone and their mother seems to rave about. According to a lot of people their cleanser is one of the best out there and possibly one of the most popular products ever, I can understand why considering it contains Rosemary, Chamomile, Cocoa Butter and Eucalyptus Essential Oils; all amazing things for the skin. 

Daily Essentials Kit

Last month I decided that I needed to get into a good skincare routine, in all honestly I have never been one of these people that has been super into taking care of the skin which is probably why my skin isn't in the best condition. 

I had heard that Liz Earle products mainly focused on those that had normal to oily skin therefore I decided it was time to splash out, originally I had only planned on going into Boots and picking up the cleanse and polish however I spotted the Daily Essentials Kit which also had the Gentle Face Exfoliator, Instant Boost Skin Tonic and the Skin Repair for Normal/Combination skin considering it was only £45 for all I decided to bite the bullet and just pick it up much to the dismay of my bank balance. 

In the evening the Cleanse & Polish is so good for removing makeup, even removing all of my Roller Lash mascara which is an absolute pain to get off. I apply the cleanser twice once to remove all of my makeup and then to make sure that the skin is thoroughly cleansed through I then take it off with the Liz Earle Hot Cloth (included) which is so soothing on the face, so much better than using a cotton wool pad. After that I apply a tiny bit off the exfoliator only focusing it on the areas that need it the most so mainly my chin and around the noise. I then wash that off with my hands. Once all of that is off I apply a small amount of the skin tonic onto a cotton wool pad and just put it around the face to remove any excess make up that I may have missed. Finally I apply the Skin Repair all over the face. The rose scent that runs through all of these products makes them so much easier to apply to the face

For the morning I will just apply the Cleanse and Polish to wash my face and then apply the Skin Tonic afterwards to brighten up the face. I don't use the skin repair because I find it's a bit too heavy in the morning and I prefer something lighter to go underneath my foundation. A major thing I have noticed since using all of these products is how much easier my foundation now goes onto my face because my face is now so much cleaner it means the foundation now just glides on. 

Since using it I honestly think my skin has felt a lot cleaner, it has cleared up my skin quite considerably as well. I would definately recommend the Daily Essential Kit however if you are on a tight budget I would recommend Cleanse and Polish as its amazing and definitely one that is worth it especially if you have considerably oily skin. 

Hope you enjoyed this, let me know your favourite skin care products? 

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