I have been incredibly MIA recently so for that I do apologise. To start with I was working a lot more hours and I honestly couldn't find the time or motivation to write blog posts and for the past few days my MacBook hasn't been working properly... hopefully it will continue working while I write this blog post.
Anyway enough about me I saw Katy do this tag I thought I would get back into blogging with this. I'm honestly quite proud to be British however that doesn't mean I enjoy living here. I have mixed views over living in a country that really doesn't have much going for it.
How many cups of tea do you have a day? How many sugars?
The best thing about Britain has to be the tea and I am a massive tea person, I drink maybe two or three cups a day, I honestly can't survive without it. I have no sugars with it though.
Favourite part of the roast?
Now being a vegetarian and working every Sunday I don't honestly have a roast that often however when I do I love roast potatoes they are honestly the yummiest thing ever. My favourite roast dinners has to be my Gran's she literally does the most amazing one.
Favourite dunking biscuit?
There is only one dunking biscuit that I actually like and that is a custard cream. I could probably eat an entire packet of custard creams in one sitting oops.
Favourite quintessentially British past-time?
Living in Devon there were so many past times that I enjoyed when growing up and I have to say one of my favourite ones was going on the moors or out on day trips to small Devon towns and having afternoon tea, who knew I had an obsession with tea.
Favourite British word?
I think my favourite British words are all swear words but without a doubt it has to be 'bloody hell' the amount of times I say that in a day probably isn't considered normal.
Cockney rhyming slang?
I can honestly say I have no clue about any Cockney slag, I never knew it even existed until I was introduced to social media.
Favourite British sweet?
It has to be Mini Eggs which are of course part of the beloved Cadbury's.
What would your pub be called?
I honestly have no idea... maybe I'd name it after my grandparents I think that would be nice.
No. 1 British person?
Favourite shop/restaurant?
Shop would 100% be Topshop honestly that is the greatest shop in the world let alone Britain and for restaurant, I'm not entirely sure I eat at a lot of different places so I can't pick one.
What's the first British song that pops into your head?
I'm not even a big Take That fan but Greatest Day immediately came into my head, I think anything by Take That remind me of Britain.
Marmite- love or hate?
I have never tried it so I'm not really sure however I have smelt it and it doesn't smell all too appetising.
I hope this wasn't too boring, I would love to see other people answer this so tag me in it once you've done it.
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